New Year | New Employment Laws
​With the new year comes new employment laws. While the Trump administration hasn't demonstrated an eagerness to add to current employment laws and regulations, several states and cities have done so.  Over 22 states have new employment laws going into effect in 2018. It can be difficult for employers to keep up with them all, but here are som...
An Employers' Guide to the 2017 Company Holiday Party
​It's Fun, Fun, Fun - Until It's Not! We usually begin the joyful season of December by anticipating fun holiday parties and other seasonal festivities. This year, however, at company holiday parties around the country, it is likely that the sexual assault and/or harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, Matt Laue...
New & Developing HR Trends
Going Local While the Trump administration is certain to be making changes going forward that will impact HR and employment practices; today's most significant HR trends are coming increasingly from the state and local level. Employers are already facing a proliferation of new and expanded employment regulations and requirements across the country....
Trump Presidency? What HR Changes Are In-Store
​With the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, businesses can expect a number of changes that may impact human resources. We looked at Donald Trump's campaign promises and proposals to see which ones will have the most direct and immediate effect on the workplace, if adopted. While we recognize that campaign promises are just that, here are ...
The Gig Economy - Implications for Businesses
​The Gig Economy - Implications for Businesses References to the "Gig Economy" are becoming increasingly frequent these days. And for good reason. According to the Freelancers Union, 53 million Americans now identify themselves as freelancers, 34% of the workforce[1]. According to a study by Intuit, the freelance workforce will grow even further to...
Employers Plan for More Overtime Eligible Employees
​You may have heard that the federal Department of Labor (DOL) issued a proposed rule on July 6, 2015 that will change one of the tests for determining which employees are exempt from overtime requirements and greatly expand the number of employees who must be paid overtime for any hours worked over 40 in a workweek. The major change is the proposa...
Q1: Think about Contract Management While the Year is Young
​If your business has not already done so, now is the time to consider establishing a comprehensive contract management policy to manage all of your business contracts. According to the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM), poor contract management costs companies 9% -- Bottom Line. A contract management policy...
Don't Get Caught Off Guard
​Alarmingly, the news these days is focused more and more on the threat posed by various terrorist groups intent on attacking us while we are going about our daily lives – at restaurants, sporting events, theatres, concerts and even while shopping. For venues open to the general public, deciding whether to manage this risk by using armed guards des...
“On-Call” Shift Scheduling Practices – Issues for Companies Operating on the West and East Coast (and in between)
​It is common for employers to use on-call shifts and other flexible scheduling practices based on the variable needs of the business. In many cases, this creates the potential for employees to pick up additional shifts over their regular schedule. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for employers to use these practices due to new legisl...
Ban the Box
"Ban the Box" refers to a growing movement and set of laws intended to remove barriers for individuals with criminal conviction records from getting hired for jobs. Specifically, "the Box" is the typical question asked on applications: "Have you been convicted of a crime?" This movement seeks to eliminate this question on job applications and preve...

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